Tuesday 11 July 2017

What Happens When You’re Too High - and how to sober up

If you have been using marijuana for a while, you have probably experienced a time or two when you are too high. Don’t get me wrong - being high is a great thing. However, we all have our limits, and when you hit yours, you could be facing some unpleasant side effects. The highest I have ever been would have to be near Thanksgiving when I was smoking with two of my friends for one of the first times ever. We smoked two joints in a row, basically about 4 or 5 grams in total. Let me tell you - I was absolutely blasted. If you have ever experienced getting too high, then you know that it can be a super unpleasant time. Maybe you had one too many gummies, or maybe you took a few too many hits from a pen while trying to impress your friends. Either way, you’re too high now. How on earth can you come back down to earth? Well, there isn’t exactly a perfect trick for sobering up, and the process is not always quick either. However, there are some things that you can do to try and get rid of your high more quickly, and therefore sober up more effectively. Maybe keep this boat bookmarked for the next time you are too high so that you don’t have to come searching for it.

One of the riskiest parts about using weed (there are not very many risks) is that the effects can be inconsistent. There is no exact science for determining how high you are going to get from a particular marijuana strain or product. Oftentimes, you just have to play with the cards you deal yourself. In my experiences, edibles generally last the longest and therefore take the longest time to sober up from. In fact, edibles can stay in your system for well over 24 hours, which can leave you feeling groggy and tired the next day. Concentrates with higher THC potencies also last a bit longer than regular smoking and such. Symptoms from being too high can include anxiety, paranoia, confusion, and more. So let’s talk about what you can do when you or someone around you is too high for their liking. 

The first thing that you need to do when you are feeling too high is to address the situation and not panic. Of course, this is much easier said than done, especially if you are high. However, you do not need to go to the hospital and you are not going to die. Having too much marijuana is not going to be the end of you. In fact, the effects should wear off within a few hours. Drinking water is probably the most important thing you can do if you are too high. Of course, it’s always a good idea to drink lots of water whenever you use marijuana, but especially if you are greening out. Even if you want to use a different beverage like juice or iced tea, it will help to ground you and hydrate you. In addition, you can try eating some light snacks to help calm down and reduce your blood sugar levels. Eating can be a way to ground yourself as well, which is important when coming down from a high.

Interestingly, one of the best ways to combat paranoia and anxiety caused by marijuana is to chew on or smell black pepper corns. While this is a super weird thing to suggest, it actually has worked in the past for many people. Lots of marijuana users swear by it!