Sunday 23 August 2020

What You Need to Know About Marijuana Strains

Marijuana usage has been a steady increase in the United States over the last few years. There are a lot of reasons for this, and the brunt of it lies in the fact that legislators and policy makers are finally starting to accept that it should be used as a form of medical treatment. The great thing about marijuana becoming more accessible to the general public is that it allows for greater advancement of the industry, including the types of cannabis products made as well as the different strains that have been cultivated over time. Not a lot of people know just how many cannabis strains are available, and how each one is different and unique in their own way. The truth about the marijuana industry is that it is no longer a closed circle.

Since most marijuana usage was illegal even a couple decades ago, you couldn’t really find a lot of resources to help you navigate what types of products you should use, and how much marijuana you should actually be smoking. However, medical marijuana programs have allowed the whole industry to become much more professional and safe. This is the reason why I think the federal government should go ahead and legalize cannabis throughout the country. Only then can we finally see more compassionate healthcare and alternative options for people with a variety of health conditions and such. Today I wanted to take some time to talk about different types of marijuana strains and what you need to know about each of them. I know that this can be overwhelming at first, but keep reading to the end of the article and I promise you that everything will make sense. 

The first thing that you need to know about different strains of cannabis is that they normally fall into three different categories: indica, sativa, and hybrid. In order to better understand what each of these strain types do, I will go ahead and describe them for you. Indica strains originally come from the Hindu Kush Mountains in India (you may have heard of the popular weed strains called Hindu Kush), and these strains are known to have extremely relaxing effects. Indica strains are commonly used by patients who want to relax and just chill on the couch. Indica is commonly used by medical marijuana patients to treat various symptoms of pain and anxiety, as well as helping treat things like insomnia. In contrast, sativa strains are much more of an energy-inducing high that one feels more in their head. These strains are generally associated with increased mood, euphoria, and can help promote levels of creativity. Hybrid strains, as the name suggests, are strains that involve both indica and sativa. Some hybrids are more dominant in one strain type than the other, and some are an even balance. Personally, I think that hybrid strains are the way to go, because you can usually find the most well rounded highs and experience from using both sativa and indica. Indica on its own can cause you to pretty much fall asleep, while sativa on its own can make your mind race and even cause more anxiety. A hybrid strain usually helps you to find that happy medium. Again, this is just my personal preference and opinion, and every person feels differently about this subject. 

If you head to your local dispensary, you will be able to find all different types of marijuana strains that range from indica to sativa to hybrids. My personal advice to you is to ask around and do some research and pick a few strains that sound good to you. Honestly, you can’t really go wrong with marijuana.

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